Brain Teaser "abcdef"


Good morning FBers, a bit of a brain teaser this morning.

What is the shortest word in the English language that contains the following letters at least once: abcdef? The word may contain other letters, some letters may be used more than once. The letters can be in any order.

Prizes of Kang Guru Indonesia flashdrives. These are flashdrives built in to a credit card sized card for easy storage.

Answers in the comment box by 9am wita tomorrow.

Wow, very impressed. I thought the answer to the quiz 'what is the shortest word containing all letters abcdef' was feedback. But Hairil showed us 'backfed' which has all the letters but is one letter shorter than feedback. Well done Hairal.

Tovick Richlips added another option ' boldface', well done.

And the third winner is Kiky Resky Januarty with 'feedback'.

Great effort everyone.

If the three winners can send their fb name, real name and address to we will get your flashdrives in the mail.


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