a few Aussie slang words

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Thought today we might have a look at a few Aussie slang words, how many of these do you know?

1. That car is cactus.
2. It was a corker of a party.
3. Can you get me that doovalacky please.
4. Hey John, give it a burl.
5. Thanks heaps.

How did you go?

1. That car is cactus.
When we describe something as cactus it is destroyed beyond use, or won't work.

2. It was a corker of a party.
A corker means a great.

3. Can you get me that doovalacky please.
Doovalacky is the word we use when we don't know the name of something.

4. Hey John, give it a burl.
To give it a burl means have a go.

5. Thanks heaps.
Thanks a lot.


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