The Correct Way to Address People


Hi FBers, we have had a few questions about the correct way to address people.

Please be aware that the examples I am using are for Australia, the USA for instance is more conservative in use of address.

In the workplace we would rarely address anyone using Mr/Mrs/Ms, usually we would just use their first names. This would usually be the case even for the big boss.

If you do have to be more formal you can use Mr/Ms in front of the last name, NEVER in front of their first name only.

In school, children address their teachers using Mr/Mrs/Ms and the last name. Or if the last name is not used they use “Miss” or “Sir”.

At university only first names are used between students and lecturers.

The English equivalent of the use of ‘Pak’ without a name is NOT Mister, but you should use ‘Sir’. It sounds rude to use just ‘Mister’ by itself.

The English equivalent of the use of “Bu’ without a name is Miss or Ms or Maam. Although Maam sounds quite formal and old fashioned.

Of course “pak’ and ‘bu’ without names translate as ‘you’ if in the second person.

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