Some expressions related to the word eye


Hi FBers, hope you are having a great Sunday.

Thought we might look at some expressions related to the word eye.

He is ‘eyeballing’ someone’. He is looking at them very closely.

It is an ‘eye-catching’ poster. It is very attractive and catches your gaze.

When I opened the door and looked in it was an ‘eyeful’. Means that what I saw was unexpected, or shocking.

Visiting that school was an ‘eye-opener’. Meaning that you would see something that is surprising, that will make you think again about what you have seen.

The boat was in ‘eyeshot’. It means that I could see the boat, even though it was a long distance.

The garden was an 'eyesore'. The garden was ugly and unpleasant to look at.

He is an 'eye-witness'. He saw what happened.

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