English Alphabet


Material English Alphabet is very important, especially if you are a beginner in learning English. English alphabet are same with Indonesian alphabet. There are 26 letters in the alphabet. They are divided into two parts:
1. Vowel
Vowel letters or in Indonesian called vocal. They are a, i, u, e, and o.

2. Consonant
Consonant letter or in Indonesian called "konsonan" there are 21 letters.

The following sequence of English alphabet and pronunciation:
Aa        [ei]                                          
Bb        [bi:]
Cc        [si:]                                                                  
Dd       [di:]
Ee        [i:]
Ff         [ef]                              
Gg        [dʒi:]                           
Hh        [eitʃ]    
Ii          [ai]                   
Jj          [dʒei]                           
Kk        [kei]    
Ll         [el]      
Mm      [em]                            
Nn       [en]                 
Oo       [o]                   
Pp        [pi:]                  
Qq       [kju:]   
Rr        [a:/ar]
Ss        [es]
Tt         [ti:]
 Uu        [ju:]
Vv        [vi:]
Ww      [‘dʌəlju:]
 Xx        [eks]
Yy        [wai] 
Zz        [zed/zi:]
You can simply practice saying the English alphabet. For example, "Aa" recite become "ei" and so on. Do not forget memorized, yes! After that practice spelling words in the English language. You can also listen to the audio or pronunciation of English Alphabet song that I have provided.  

Listen or Download

This is the First meeting in early 2014, we have some pending Posts, because there are another activities that must do by the member of the club.

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