Leader Club

I'm Jarkoni. My friend call me just "Jarko". I was born on November, 21st 1989.

After finishing from my club (Fragrant Water English Club). At last I can reach my dream to organize an English club. Although the member are from elementary school, I try to be spirit and make them as my object to improve my English.

After graduated from SMK several years ago, I confused what should I do?? at last, for temporary time I continue my study at Islamic Boarding School Al-Azhar in Sempu, and try to still be exist at FWEC. Then, I have a chance to meet KGI team again at 20th Anniversary Celebration in 2009 with my English Teacher and eight other member of FWEC. Which I posted my story about KGI's 20th Anniversary  at www.fragrantwater-ec.blogspot.com.

My current job is as a teacher in one of Islamic Elementary School in Banyuwangi, I teach Computer for 3rd up to 6th grade and English for 3rd grade. I have an online shop too, I selling some  Islamic religious books, it called "Maktabah Al-Azhar" you can check it here www.maktabah-alazhar.com.

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