Vocabulary - Eye words


 Photo: Eye words:  How did you go?

1. berkedip - to blink
2. berkedip-kedip - to blink continually
3. melotot - bulging eyes
4. memandang lama - to gaze
5. mengedipkan satu mata - to wink
6. kedipan - a blink / a wink
7. kerdipan - a squint
8. dg mata terbelalak - wide eyed
9. melirik - to leer / to look out the corner of your eye
10 cuci mata - girl watching OR can mean to go window shopping
11. mata keranjang - be greedy
12. mata duitan - craving for money
13. main mata - to flirt

Eye words: How did you go?

1. berkedip - to blink
2. berkedip-kedip - to blink continually
3. melotot - bulging eyes
4. memandang lama - to gaze
5. mengedipkan satu mata - to wink
6. kedipan - a blink / a wink
7. kerdipan - a squint
8. dg mata terbelalak - wide eyed
9. melirik - to leer / to look out the corner of your eye
10 cuci mata - girl watching OR can mean to go window shopping
11. mata keranjang - be greedy
12. mata duitan - craving for money
13. main mata - to flirt

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